The current VUCA context should incite many companies to embark on a “Transformation” journey.
A frightening 70% will still just not achieve results.
(Sources : Gartner, McKinsey, Forbes, BeNovate CXO Assessment, …)
Despite good intentions and sometimes huge efforts and based on the results of our BeNovate CXO Assessment on Transformation Capability* figures show that 15 % lacked Strategic Alignment at « C » Suite level.
Our unique, and now since two decades, proven Method CIBAM (c) :
- Helps C-Suites to define the right path for success
- Aligns their Executives to the corporate « True North » objective by defining a clear and shared picture of their challenges and related priorities
- Enables at the end the Transformational and Inno-preneurial capability of their company while staying focused on delivery their day to day performance
* Done by more than 2700 Executives from 370 Corporates / Firms. [Download report]
Peter Drucker
The task of senior leadership is to create an alignment of strengths so strong that it makes the system’s weaknesses irrelevant.